Adverse weather training

Adverse weather conditions can happen fast and can take any driver by surprise. And in our global economy employees can be asked to visit many countries across the world where the weather and terrain can be unpredictable.

Driversity’s adverse weather and terrain training programme covers all types of conditions including rain, snow, ice, mud, gravel and sunshine that can affect drivers and result in skids or loss of control. In addition to our classroom sessions we use our simulator skid car to provide the experience of dangerous situations and teach delegates how to deal with such occurrences safely and how to avoid the dangers in the first place. The course also covers many technical aspects of vehicles, such as ABS and how to understand them and use them effectively.

Our adverse weather training course is carried out in a controlled environment with expert and talented instructors. It’s fun and memorable but teaches essential knowledge and skills that will save lives.

Contact us to find out more about our unique training options.


"I thought I was a good driver but now I'm so much more aware of what I should have been noticing."